Building a strong safety culture through accident prevention

Suominen has over 700 professionals working in Europe and in the Americas. We work continuously to strengthen our safety culture for all our employees in all our sites, as the health and safety of our employees is our key priority. 

In improving safety, Suominen places particular emphasis on influencing attitudes, behavior, and operating models.

Suominen develops safety at the workplace according to the principle of continuous improvement and constantly shares the best practices at each site to benefit the entire network. In improving safety, Suominen places particular emphasis on influencing attitudes, behavior, and operating models, and on building a culture of work safety.

Aiming for zero

Suominen has an ambitious target of zero lost-time accidents. One concrete example of our successful safety work is that our Paulinía site in Brazil achieved a decade without LTAs in June 2022.

“It is a priority for us to keep our employees safe and create the safest working environment. We are constantly highlighting the importance of safety instruction to our people, and we implement them through safety walks. Discussing actively about safety topics is the best way to keep the instruction in mind every day. We are very proud of this achievement, and I want to thank you each and everyone at the Paulinía site for contributing,” says Paulínia’s Plant Director Renata Rinaldi.

Keeping track on safety

Suominen’s safety work is based on preventive work, and we have implemented Life Saving Rules and a Behavior Based Safety program covering employees working both at Suominen’s manufacturing sites and offices. The program emphasizes the individual’s own responsibility in safety and focuses on influencing the attitude and motivation of individuals. The program includes safety walks, in which an employee walks through the premises, identifying both safe and unsafe behaviors and conditions, and then engages in an open discussion with other employees.

Suominen keeps records of all work-related accidents and near misses and identifies their causes. Safety monitoring is part of our daily activities, and in 2021 Suominen implemented a new safety software to manage all safety-related aspects on a single platform.

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The health and safety of Suominen’s employees is our key priority. We focus on accident prevention and building a strong safety culture. Safety is one of our key people-related targets, and our aim is to have zero lost time accidents.