FINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE 1 JANUARY - 31 DECEMBER 2009                        


| KEY FIGURES           | 10-12/2009 |  10-12/2008 |   1-12/2009 |   1-12/2008 |
| Net sales, EUR        |       44.9 |        49.8 |       179.4 |       214.6 |
| million               |            |             |             |             |
| Operating profit, EUR |        0.6 |        -3.8 |         6.7 |        -4.0 |
| million               |            |             |             |             |
| Profit/loss for the   |       -0.3 |        -4.4 |         0.9 |        -7.2 |
| period, EUR million   |            |             |             |             |
| Earnings/share, EUR   |      -0.01 |       -0.19 |        0.04 |       -0.31 |
| Cash flow from        |       0.08 |        0.29 |        1.13 |        0.80 |
| operations/share, EUR |            |             |             |             |

Suominen's financial performance improved on the previous year, and profit      
before taxes was EUR 1.0 million (-8.8). The financial statements include       
non-recurring costs of EUR 1.2 million (4.1).                                   

Suominen Corporation's net sales in 2009 totalled EUR 179.4 million and declined
by 16 percent on the  previous year. Profit after taxes was EUR 0.9 million     
(-7.2) and earnings per share were EUR 0.04 (-0.31).                            

Payment of a dividend of EUR 0.02 per share is proposed by the Board of         

GROUP FINANCIAL RESULTS                                                         

Suominen Corporation generated net sales of EUR 44.9 million (49.8) in the      
fourth quarter. Operating profit was EUR 0.6 million (-3.8), profit before taxes
EUR -0.4 million (-5.0) and profit after taxes EUR -0.3 million (-4.4).         
Non-recurring costs of EUR 0.6 million (4.1) were recorded for the final        

Net sales for the whole year totalled EUR 179.4 million (214.6). Operating      
profit was EUR 6.7 million (-4.0), profit before taxes EUR 1.0 million (-8.8)   
and profit after taxes EUR 0.9 million (-7.2). Due to exceptional raw-material  
cycle the result was best in the first quarter of the financial year.           

Net sales declined by 16 per cent compared to the previous year. Around one     
third of the decline resulted from a decrease in oil-based raw material prices. 
Sales volumes declined also due to the company's own rationalisation measures   
and decreased demand.                                                           

Suominen's cost-saving and operational enhancement programmes have continued,   
which brought operating expenses to a substantially lower level than in 2008. In
early 2009, a significant rationalisation of operations was completed in the    
Netherlands and measures were started up during the final quarter of the year to
discontinue flexible packaging production in Sweden. On average, the prices of  
oil-based raw materials were lower than in the previous year. However, prices   
rose from the beginning of the year and levelled out only during the last       
quarter. The margins for sales improved from the previous year.                 

The efficiency of the use of funds was improved by releasing working capital and
limiting investments to measures that improve efficiency. The strong cash flow  
from operations, EUR 26.8 million (18.9), was used to reduce net debt by EUR    
22.2 million during the year under review.                                      

Cost-saving and operational enhancement programme                               

The Stairs to Top programme was continued by improving operational efficiency   
and renewing the product offering. The most significant savings during the year 
under review were generated in personnel expenses, purchases and logistics.     
Despite the decrease in production volumes, yield and efficiency also improved. 
The cost savings and efficiency-enhancement measures generated more than        
EUR 7 million.                                                                  

The most noteworthy results of the renewal in the product offering were the new,
lighter-weight product solutions created in Nonwovens, and new product solutions
created in Flexibles. Regionally, sales increased in Russia. Codi Wipes managed 
to sell additional wiping produtcs and fill in the market gap arrised in the    


The Group's interest-bearing net liabilities totalled EUR 59.1 million (81.4)   
including capital loans of EUR 8.0 million (10.0). Repayments of non-current    
loans were EUR 65.0 million. Net financial expenses were EUR 5.7 million (4.8)  
or 3.2 per cent (2.2) of net sales. Financial expenses include a total of       
EUR 0.6 million in write-offs of financial assets. A total of EUR 15.2 million  
was released in the working capital. At the end of the year, a total of EUR 10.5
million of trade receivables was sold to the bank; at the start of the year, the
corresponding figure was EUR 1.8 million. The equity ratio was 29.9 per cent    
(24.6). When the capital loans are included in shareholders' equity, the equity 
ratio was 36.4 per cent (31.6) and the ratio of liabilities to shareholders'    
equity 114.4 per cent (157.2). Cash flow from operations was EUR 1.13 per share 


The company's gross investments in production totalled EUR 4.5 million (3.9).   
Planned depreciation amounted to EUR 10.2 million (12.6). Codi Wipes accounted  
for EUR 1.0 million (0.5), Nonwovens EUR 1.5 million (1.5) and Flexibles EUR 2.0
million (1.9) of total investments. The most significant new investments were   
Suominen Codi Wipes' investment in an automatic line and Suominen Flexibles'    
investment in a bag making machine that manufactures retail carrier bags. Other 
investments were efficiency-enhancement and maintenance investments.            

SEGMENT RESULTS                                                                 

In 2009, net sales of the Wiping business area totalled EUR 113.5 million and   
declined by 18 per cent on the previous year. The business area's operating     
profit was EUR 4.3 million (-4.8).                                              

Net sales of Codi Wipes, at EUR 64.5 million, declined by 11 per cent on the    
previous year. Sales declined most clearly in household wipes. The decline in   
sales for personal care wipes and baby wipes was much more moderate. In         
addition, the discarding of unprofitable product groups during the first half of
the year reduced net sales. Sales margins improved on the previous year. A      
demanding customer project was completed during the last quarter in which the   
markets' supply deficit was met through the Codi Connect co-operation concept.  
The unit's rationalisation programme progressed according to plan, and operating
expenses decreased considerably. At the beginning of the final quarter,         
production was begun on the new automation line connected to the programme. New 
sales and product managers strengthened the unit's personnel resources.         

Net sales of Nonwovens decreased by 25 per cent to EUR 56.9 million. Delivery   
volumes of nonwovens for wipes fell both in Europe and the USA. Deliveries of   
hygiene product materials also fell slightly below the level of the previous    
year, while the sales of health care products remained on level with the        
previous year. Average sales prices fell in line with the decrease in raw       
material prices. Sales margins improved on the previous year. In a compressed   
timetable, the unit developed a new raw material-saving nonwoven tailored to the
market situation. Its sales took off well during the summer. Likewise,          
deliveries to the Russian market grew. Operating expenses decreased             
considerably, production efficiency improved and the amount of wastage decreased
compared to 2008. During the spring and autumn, approximately one-week-long     
lay-offs were implemented in the unit, involving nearly the entire personnel.   

Net sales of Flexibles totalled EUR 66.9 million (76.8) and operating profit was
EUR 2.8 million (1.2). Net sales declined by 13 per cent. A fall was experienced
in hygiene packaging, retail packaging as well as in security and system        
packaging. Sales of food packaging almost reached the level of 2008. Sales to   
Russia remained nearly on par with the previous year. Due to lower raw material 
prices, sales prices fell. The unit was able to improve its sales margins.      

In Flexibles, costs decreased due to personnel reductions as well as savings in 
purchases and fixed costs. In the autumn, a decision was made to end production 
in Sweden and the transfer of production to Poland was begun following employee 
negotiations. Production in Sweden will be shut down in the first quarter of    
2010. The net reduction in personnel resulting from the transfer will be around 
20 people. Additional non-recurring costs of EUR 0.6 million were recorded for  
the final quarter as a result of the production shut-down. The production       
shut-down in Sweden caused the segment's sales volumes to exceed its production 
volumes. Demand for security and system packaging experienced a temporary       
weakening in the autumn, requiring the implementation of short temporary        
lay-offs at the Ikaalinen plant. At year-end it was decided that the production 
of fruit and vegetable bags on the roll would be discontinued.                  

GENERAL MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS                                                

The Annual General meeting of Shareholders was held on 20 March 2009. The       
General Meeting decided that no dividend be paid for 2008.                      

The General Meeting approved the financial statements of the parent company and 
the Group for the financial year 1 January - 31 December 2008 and released the  
members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO from liability for  
the period.                                                                     

The General Meeting elected Heikki Bergholm, Kai Hannus, Juhani Lassila, Mikko  
Maijala and Heikki Mairinoja to the Board of Directors. Mikko Maijala has served
as Chairman and Heikki Mairinoja as Deputy Chairman of the Board.               

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, with Heikki Lassila,  
APA, as the principal auditor, were elected as auditors of Suominen Corporation.

SHARE CAPITAL AND SHARES                                                        

Share capital                                                                   

The registered number of issued shares of Suominen totals 23,720,112 shares or  
EUR 11,860,056. There were no changes in share capital during the period under  

Share trading and price                                                         

The number of Suominen Corporation shares traded on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki from 1  
January to 31 December 2009 was 3,306,822 shares, equivalent to 13.9 per cent of
shares included in the company's share capital. The trading price varied between
EUR 0.65 and EUR 1.93. The final trading price was EUR 1.59, giving the company 
a market capitalisation of EUR 37,713,894 on 31 December 2009.                  

The company's own shares                                                        

On 1 January 2009, the company held 55,057 of its own shares, accounting for 0.2
per cent of the share capital and votes.                                        

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 20 March 2009 authorised the 
Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of a maximum of 200,000 of the  
company's own shares. The authorisation will be valid for 18 months after the   
decision of the General Meeting. The shares shall be repurchased to improve     
company's capital structure and/or to be used as consideration in future        
acquisitions or other arrangements related to the company's business or as part 
of the company's incentive program, and/or to finance investments. Shares may be
held, cancelled or conveyed by the company. The company's own shares shall be   
repurchased otherwise than in proportion to the holdings of the shareholders by 
using the non-restricted equity through public trading on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki   
Ltd at the market price prevailing at the time of acquisition.                  

The General Meeting also authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the     
conveyance of a maximum of 255,057 of the company's own shares. The             
authorisation will be valid for 18 months after the end of the General Meeting. 
Within the authorisation the company has conveyed 54,375 of its own shares as   
emoluments to the Board of Directors in the period under review. The price of   
the conveyed shares was EUR 0.80 per share.                                     

During the period under review, the board of Directors did not exercise its     
authorities to buy the company's own shares. On 31 December 2009, Suominen      
Corporation held a total of 682 of its own shares, accounting for 0.0 per cent  
of the share capital and votes.                                                 

Stock options                                                                   

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 20 March 2009 approved stock 
option plan 2009. Under the plan, a maximum of 450,000 stock options shall be   
issued to the President and CEO and to the members of the Corporate Executive   
Team as specified by the Board of Directors. Each stock option entitles its     
holder to subscribe for one Suominen Corporation's share with an equivalent book
value of EUR 0.50. According to the 2009A stock option plan a total of 150,000  
stock options has been issued in the period under review. The share subscription
price for the stock options is the trade volume-weighted average price of the   
company share on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. in May 2009 or EUR 1.46. The          
subscription period for the 2009A stock options is from 2 May 2011 to 30 October

Suominen has stock option plans 2006, 2007 and 2009. During the year under      
review, stock options marked with the symbol 2006A have expired and a total of  
15,000 stock options marked with the symbol 2007A have been returned to the     
company. As the registered number of Suominen's issued shares totals 23,720,112,
the number of shares may rise to a maximum of 24,570,112 after stock option     

Other authorisation for the board of directors                                  

The Board of Directors is not currently authorised to issue shares, convertible 
bonds or bonds with warrants.                                                   

Notifications of changes in holdings                                            

On 4 June 2009, Etra Invest Oy reported that on 2 June 2009 its holding in the  
share capital and voting rights of Suominen Corporation had grown to 14.12 per  

On 2 October 2009, Etra Invest Oy reported that on 1 October 2009 its holding in
the share capital and voting rights of Suominen Corporation had grown to 16.44  
per cent.                                                                       

BUSINESS RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                                

Developments and changes in European consumer demand govern the demand for      
Suominen's products. The weakening of the economic situation also affects       
consumer behaviour in part and there is a risk that consumers will alter their  
purchasing habits. Suominen's customer base is fairly narrow, which adds to the 
customer-specific risk. This may affect Suominen's business operations if       
customers' purchasing habits become more cautious as a result of a general fall 
in consumption, or if net sales are negative. The Group's ten largest customers 
currently account for 63 per cent of its net sales (61), long-term contracts    
prevailing in the case of the largest customers. Customer-related credit risks  
are managed in accordance with a risk policy approved by the Board of Directors.
Credit limits are confirmed for customers based on credit ratings and customer  
history. Receivables which do not meet credit requirements are insured.         

Plastic-based products suffer from a poor image in certain applications, which  
may increase the risk of lower demand for some products. However, it is         
difficult to find alternatives for the products in Suominen's range.            
New-technology products and imports from low-cost countries may reduce the      
competitiveness of Suominen's products. These risks are mitigated, however, by  
the quality requirements expected of many products and which existing cheaper   
offerings are incapable of meeting, and by the challenges associated with       
transport and distribution.                                                     

Extended interruptions in supplies of Suominen's main raw materials could       
disrupt production and have a negative impact on the Group's overall operations.
As Suominen sources its raw materials from a number of major international      
suppliers, significant interruptions are unlikely. The prices of the oil-based  
raw materials used by Suominen are largely determined on the international      
commodities market, which makes it difficult to forecast how they will develop. 
Suominen currently spends around EUR 40 million annually on purchases of        
oil-based raw materials. Passing on price changes in these materials to the     
prices Suominen charges its contract customers takes between three to six       

Suominen aims to protect its business against product liability risks through   
the use of systematic quality assurance processes and product liability         
insurance. R&D is responsible for ensuring the underlying safety of the Group's 
products during their development. Ongoing quality control is designed to       
guarantee product quality during production. Management considers it unlikely   
that the Group will face significant product liability-related claims, and is   
unaware of any such claims.                                                     

Managing damage risk forms part of the operational management of the Group's    
units. Risks of this type are insured in order to guarantee the continuity of   
operations. An insurance policy approved by the Board of Directors regulates the
Group's insurance policy. An external insurance broker is used to identify and  
manage Suominen's insurance cover. The policies are normal property, loss of    
profit and liability insurance policies, taken out with reputable insurance     

The Group's financial risks are managed in accordance with a policy approved by 
the Board of Directors. Financial risks relate to the adequacy of funding,      
credit risks, and the market risks associated with financial instruments,       
divided into currency, interest rate, and commodity risks. Suominen's credit    
agreements contain financial covenants and if the company defaults its          
obligations, the banks have the right to declare the loans due and payable and  
renegotiate the terms. The ratio of net debts and 12-month operating profit,    
assessed quarterly, can be no more than 4 when capital loans are excluded from  
debts. Default in the covenant in this respect may be possible.                 

Goodwill is tested annually to determine whether there is any impairment. Test  
calculations require forecasts and actual cash flows may deviate from the       
forecast future discounted cash flows as the long economic life-time of our     
noncurrent assets, the changes in the estimated product prices, production      
costs, and in interest rates used in the discounting may result in significant  
write-downs. Impairment test calculations are based on present estimates of     
future developments. The value in use for Codi Wipes exceeds the carrying amount
by EUR 2.2 million and the value in use for Nonwovens exceeds the carrying      
amount by EUR 3.9 million.                                                      


Demand for Suominen's products is evaluated on the basis of customer contracts  
and use forecast provided by customers. The general economic situation in       
Suominen's main market areas is still soft and no signs of recovery are         
discernible in the demand for the company's products. For this reason, no major 
changes can be seen in sales volumes from the 2009 level.                       

Raw material prices stabilised at the end of 2009, however, prices are expected 
to rise in 2010. The risk of even strong fluctuations in prices is larger than  
usual due to the economic uncertainty.                                          

Suominen will focus on improving profitability and promoting sales, while       
continuously strengthening its capital structure. The Stairs to Top enhancement 
programme will be continued throughout the Group, and is expected to improve    
Suominen's competitiveness. Suominen's operating result is estimated to be equal
to the 2009 level.                                                              

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT                                                  

Suominen's Board of Directors has today issued the corporate governance         
statement. The statement is available on the company's website at                                                                      

EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING PERIOD                                               

On 11 February 2010, the Suominen Nonwovens business unit initiated employee    
negotiations concerning potential temporary lay-offs that involve the entire    
personnel at the Nakkila plant, approximately 180 people, or parts of the       
organisation. The intention is to implement the potential lay-offs, estimated to
total 24 days, in short periods between February and June 2010.                 

PROPOSAL BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                              

The parent company's distributable assets as of the end of 2009 totalled EUR    
9,811,118.73 of which the loss for the year was EUR 1,466,111.74.               

The Board of Directors will propose at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 
23 March 2010 that these funds should be distributed as follows:                

| A dividend of EUR 0.02 be paid for the financial year, EUR |      474,388.60 |
| Leaving on the retained earnings account, EUR              |    9,336,730.13 |

No substantive changes have taken place in the company's financial position     
after the end of the 2009 financial year.                                       


This financial statement has been prepared in compliance with IAS 34 Interim    
Financial Reporting. Changes to published accounting standards and              
interpretations, together with the new accounting standards that came into force
on 1 January 2009, are presented in the financial statements for 2008.          

In 2009 Suominen has adopted  IFRS 7 (amended), Improving Disclosures about     
Financial Instruments. These amendments improve the information on fair value   
measurements and reinforce the disclosure requirements about the liquidity risk 
associated with financial instruments. Fair value  measurement disclosures      
required by the amendments are classified using a fair value hierarchy.         

All calculations in the financial statements have been prepared in compliance   
with revised IAS 1, ‘Presentation of Financial Statements'. The revised standard
is aimed at improving users' ability to analyse and compare the information     
given in financial statements by separating changes in equity of an entity      
arising from transactions with owners from other changes in equity. Non-owner   
changes in equity will be presented in the statement of comprehensive income.   

In its principles for preparing the financial statements, Suominen has not      
applied any changes allowed by the published newstandards and interpretations   
prior to their official introduction. The accounting principles are consistent  
in other respects with those of the annual financial statements for 2008.       

The figures in this financial statement have not been audited.                  

BALANCE SHEET                                                                   
| EUR 1 000                                    |        12/2009 |      12/2008 |
| ASSETS                                       |                |              |
| Non-current assets                           |                |              |
| Goodwill                                     |         23 404 |       23 404 |
| Intangible assets                            |            795 |          855 |
| Tangible non-current assets                  |         57 044 |       62 661 |
| Available-for-sale financial assets          |            212 |          627 |
| Held-to-maturity investments                 |            225 |          172 |
| Deferred tax assets                          |            921 |        1 562 |
| Non-current assets, total                    |         82 601 |       89 281 |
| Current assets                               |                |              |
| Inventories                                  |         22 598 |       24 050 |
| Trade receivables                            |         11 514 |       21 174 |
| Other current receivables                    |          4 416 |        4 843 |
| Income tax receivables                       |            112 |          228 |
| Cash at bank and in hand                     |          1 589 |        4 243 |
| Current assets, total                        |         40 229 |       54 538 |
| Assets, total                                |        122 830 |      143 819 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES         |                |              |
| Equity attributable to owners of the parent  |                |              |
| Share capital                                |         11 860 |       11 860 |
| Share premium account                        |         24 681 |       24 681 |
| Fair value and other reserves                |           -402 |         -540 |
| Translation differences                      |           -117 |         -365 |
| Other shareholders' equity                   |            667 |         -246 |
| Shareholders' equity, total                  |         36 689 |       35 390 |
| Liabilities                                  |                |              |
| Non-current liabilities                      |                |              |
| Deferred tax liabilities                     |          3 065 |        3 684 |
| Provisions                                   |            280 |              |
| Capital loans                                |          6 000 |        8 000 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities                 |         43 390 |       66 436 |
| Non-current liabilities, total               |         52 735 |       78 120 |
| Current liabilities                          |                |              |
| Interest-bearing liabilities                 |          9 471 |        9 967 |
| Capital loans                                |          2 000 |        2 000 |
| Income tax liabilities                       |             39 |          229 |
| Trade payables and other current liabilities |         21 896 |       18 113 |
| Current liabilities, total                   |         33 406 |       30 309 |
| Liabilities, total                           |         86 141 |      108 429 |
| Shareholders' equity and liabilities, total  |        122 830 |      143 819 |

STATEMENT OF INCOME                                                             
| EUR 1 000                  | 10-12/2009 | 10-12/2008 | 1-12/2009 | 1-12/2008 |
| NET SALES                  |     44 855 |     49 824 |   179 354 |   214 605 |
| Cost of goods sold         |    -40 320 |    -46 770 |  -158 969 |  -203 429 |
| GROSS PROFIT               |      4 535 |      3 054 |    20 385 |    11 176 |
| Other operating income     |        124 |      1 022 |       530 |     1 547 |
| Sales and marketing        |     -1 085 |       -849 |    -3 715 |    -3 318 |
| expenses                   |            |            |           |           |
| Research and development   |       -684 |       -668 |    -2 297 |    -2 233 |
| Administration expenses    |     -1 701 |     -1 842 |    -7 144 |    -6 667 |
| Other operating expenses   |       -584 |     -2 001 |    -1 053 |    -2 060 |
| OPERATING PROFIT BEFORE    |        606 |     -1 283 |     6 706 |    -1 555 |
| IMPAIRMENT LOSSES          |            |            |           |           |
| Impairment losses          |            |     -2 490 |           |    -2 490 |
| OPERATING PROFIT           |        606 |     -3 773 |     6 706 |    -4 045 |
| Financial income and       |     -1 045 |     -1 252 |    -5 701 |    -4 796 |
| expenses                   |            |            |           |           |
| PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAXES |       -439 |     -5 025 |     1 005 |    -8 841 |
| Income taxes               |         91 |        636 |      -145 |     1 600 |
| PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD |       -348 |     -4 389 |       860 |    -7 241 |
| Earnings/share, EUR        |      -0.01 |      -0.19 |      0.04 |     -0.31 |

STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                               
| EUR 1 000                  | 10-12/2009 | 10-12/2008 | 1-12/2009 | 1-12/2008 |
| Profit/loss for the period |       -348 |     -4 389 |       860 |    -7 241 |
|                            |            |            |           |           |
| Other comprehensive income |            |            |           |           |
| Total exchange differences |        306 |     -2 262 |       335 |    -2 014 |
| on foreign operations      |            |            |           |           |
| Fair value changes of cash |        428 |     -2 656 |        48 |    -2 990 |
| flow hedges                |            |            |           |           |
| Fair value changes of      |            |        -73 |        73 |       -73 |
| available-for-sale assets  |            |            |           |           |
| Other reclassifications    |         72 |         68 |        -9 |        -8 |
| Income tax on other        |       -191 |      1 231 |      -119 |     1 320 |
| comprehensive income       |            |            |           |           |
| Total other comprehensive  |        615 |     -3 692 |       328 |    -3 765 |
| income                     |            |            |           |           |
|                            |            |            |           |           |
| Total comprehensive income |        267 |     -8 081 |     1 188 |   -11 006 |
| for the period             |            |            |           |           |

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    

| EUR 1 000  |  Share |  Share |    Own |  Transl |   Fair  | Retaine |  Total |
|            | capital| premiu | shares |   ation |   value |       d |        |
|            |        |      m |        | differ- | reserve | earning |        |
|            |        | accoun |        |   ences |       s |       s |        |
|            |        |      t |        |         |         |         |        |
| Total      | 11 860 | 24 681 |    -50 |    -365 |    -490 |    -246 | 35 390 |
| equity at  |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 1 Jan.     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 2009       |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Total      |        |        |        |     248 |      89 |     851 |  1 188 |
| comprehen  |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| sive       |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| income     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Share-base |        |        |        |         |         |      68 |     68 |
| d payments |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Conveyance |        |        |     49 |         |         |      -6 |     43 |
| of own     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| shares     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Total      | 11 860 | 24 681 |     -1 |    -117 |    -401 |     667 | 36 689 |
| equity at  |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 31 Dec.    |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 2009       |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |

| EUR 1 000  |  Share |  Share |    Own |  Transl |    Fair | Retaine |  Total |
|            | capital| premiu | shares |   ation |   value |       d |        |
|            |        |      m |        | differ- | reserve | earning |        |
|            |        | accoun |        |   ences |       s |       s |        |
|            |        |      t |        |         |         |         |        |
| Total      | 11 860 | 24 681 |   -115 |   1 125 |   1 776 |   6 980 | 46 307 |
| equity at  |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 1 Jan.     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 2008       |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Total      |        |        |        |  -1 490 |  -2 267 |  -7 249 |    -11 |
| comprehen  |        |        |        |         |         |         |    006 |
| sive       |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| income     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Share-base |        |        |        |         |         |      72 |     72 |
| d payments |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Repurchase |        |        |    -34 |         |         |         |    -34 |
| of own     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| shares     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Conveyance |        |        |     99 |         |         |     -48 |     51 |
| of own     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| shares     |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| Total      | 11 860 | 24 681 |    -50 |    -365 |    -490 |    -246 | 35 390 |
| equity at  |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 31 Dec.    |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |
| 2008       |        |        |        |         |         |         |        |

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
| EUR 1 000                                    |     1-12/2009 |     1-12/2008 |
| Operations                                   |               |               |
| Operating profit                             |         6 706 |        -4 045 |
| Total adjustments                            |        10 367 |        14 763 |
| Cash flow before change in working capital   |        17 073 |        10 718 |
| Change in working capital                    |        15 234 |        12 255 |
| Financial items                              |        -5 263 |        -4 682 |
| Taxes paid                                   |          -251 |           621 |
| Cash flow from operations                    |        26 793 |        18 912 |
|                                              |               |               |
| Investment payments                          |               |               |
| Investments in tangible and intangible       |        -4 373 |        -3 578 |
| assets                                       |               |               |
| Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets       |           388 |           274 |
| and other proceeds                           |               |               |
| Cash flow from investing activities          |        -3 985 |        -3 304 |
|                                              |               |               |
| Financing                                    |               |               |
| Non-current loans drawn                      |        41 478 |        33 000 |
| Repayments of non-current loans              |       -65 008 |       -35 147 |
| Withdrawals of capital loans                 |               |        10 000 |
| Repayments of capital loans                  |        -2 000 |        -2 000 |
| Repurchase and conveyance of own shares      |            44 |            17 |
| Change in current loans                      |               |       -18 336 |
| Cash flow from financing                     |       -25 486 |       -12 466 |
|                                              |               |               |
| Change in cash and cash equivalents          |        -2 678 |         3 142 |

| KEY FIGURES                    | 10-12/ |  10-12/ |   1-12/ |      |   1-12/ |
|                                |   2009 |    2008 |    2009 |      |    2008 |
| Net sales, change, % *         |  -10.0 |    -7.9 |   -16.4 |      |    -0.3 |
| Gross profit, % **             |   10.1 |     6.1 |    11.4 |      |     5.2 |
| Operating profit, % **         |    1.4 |    -7.6 |     3.7 |      |    -1.9 |
| Financial income and expenses, |   -2.3 |    -2.5 |    -3.2 |      |    -2.2 |
| % **                           |        |         |         |      |         |
| Profit before income taxes, %  |   -1.0 |   -10.1 |     0.6 |      |    -4.1 |
| **                             |        |         |         |      |         |
| Profit for the period, % **    |   -0.8 |    -8.8 |     0.5 |      |    -3.4 |
| Earnings/share, EUR            |  -0.01 |   -0.19 |    0.04 |      |   -0.31 |
| Equity/share, EUR              |        |         |    1.55 |      |    1.50 |
| Dividend/share, EUR            |        |         |   0.02  | ***  |    0.00 |
| Cash flow from                 |        |         |    1.13 |      |    0.80 |
| operations/share, EUR          |        |         |         |      |         |
| Return on equity (ROE), %      |        |         |     2.4 |      |   -16.7 |
| Return on invested capital     |        |         |     6.4 |      |    -2.9 |
| (ROI), %                       |        |         |         |      |         |
| Equity ratio, %                |        |         |    29.9 |      |    24.6 |
| Gearing, %                     |        |         |   161.2 |      |   229.9 |
| Gross investments, EUR 1 000   |        |         |   4 507 |      |   3 910 |
| Depreciation, EUR 1 000        |        |         |  10 158 |      |  12 595 |
| Impairment losses, EUR 1 000   |        |         |         |      |   2 490 |

*   Compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.                
**  As of net sales.                                                            
*** Proposal by the Board of Directors.                                         

SEGMENT REPORTING                                                               

| EUR 1 000                           |  1-12/2009 |   1-12/2008 |    Change % |
| Net sales                           |            |             |             |
| - Codi Wipes                        |     64 479 |      72 367 |       -10.9 |
| - Nonwovens                         |     56 905 |      76 320 |       -25.4 |
| - eliminations                      |     -7 888 |     -10 166 |       -22.4 |
| Total                               |    113 496 |     138 521 |       -18.1 |
| Operating profit before impairment  |      4 299 |      -2 266 |             |
| losses                              |            |             |             |
| % of net sales                      |        3.8 |        -1.6 |             |
| Impairment losses                   |            |      -2 490 |             |
| Operating profit                    |      4 299 |      -4 756 |             |
| Assets                              |     78 991 |      93 804 |             |
| Liabilities                         |     13 349 |      12 242 |             |
| Net assets                          |     65 641 |      81 562 |             |
| Investments                         |      2 447 |       2 042 |             |
| Depreciation                        |      6 784 |       7 525 |             |
| Impairment losses                   |            |       2 490 |             |
| Average personnel                   |        392 |         445 |             |

| EUR 1 000                           |  1-12/2009 |   1-12/2008 |    Change % |
| Net sales                           |     66 894 |      76 795 |       -12.9 |
| Operating profit                    |      2 823 |       1 191 |             |
| % of net sales                      |        4.2 |         1.6 |             |
| Assets                              |     44 462 |      47 183 |             |
| Liabilities                         |     10 039 |       8 136 |             |
| Net assets                          |     34 423 |      39 047 |             |
| Investments                         |      2 059 |       1 820 |             |
| Depreciation                        |      3 349 |       5 033 |             |
| Average personnel                   |        541 |         562 |             |

NON-ALLOCATED ITEMS                                                             
| EUR 1 000                                   |     1-12/2009 |      1-12/2008 |
| Net sales                                   |        -1 036 |           -711 |
| Operating profit                            |          -415 |           -480 |
| Assets                                      |          -623 |          2 832 |
| Liabilities                                 |        62 752 |         89 244 |
| Investments                                 |             1 |             48 |
| Depreciation                                |            24 |             37 |
| Average personnel                           |            11 |             12 |

NET SALES BY MARKET AREA                                                        
| EUR 1 000                                   |     1-12/2009 |      1-12/2008 |
| Finland                                     |        29 883 |         34 954 |
| Scandinavia                                 |        15 843 |         18 375 |
| The Netherlands                             |        12 004 |         16 891 |
| Other Europe                                |       106 220 |        119 573 |
| Other countries                             |        15 404 |         24 812 |
| Net sales, total                            |       179 354 |        214 605 |

QUARTERLY FIGURES                                                               
| EUR 1 000           |   I/2009 |  II/2009 | III/2009 |   IV/2009 |   I/2009- |
|                     |          |          |          |           |   IV/2009 |
| NET SALES           |          |          |          |           |           |
| Wiping              |          |          |          |           |           |
| - Codi Wipes        |   15 914 |   15 899 |   15 843 |    16 824 |    64 479 |
| - Nonwovens         |   16 822 |   13 947 |   13 637 |    12 499 |    56 905 |
| - eliminations      |   -2 372 |   -2 356 |   -1 567 |    -1 592 |    -7 888 |
| Total               |   30 364 |   27 489 |   27 913 |    27 730 |   113 496 |
| Flexibles           |   16 380 |   16 638 |   16 513 |    17 363 |    66 894 |
| Non-allocated items |      200 |     -739 |     -259 |      -238 |    -1 036 |
| Net sales, total    |   46 944 |   43 388 |   44 167 |    44 855 |   179 354 |
| OPERATING PROFIT    |          |          |          |           |           |
| Wiping              |    1 405 |    1 319 |      677 |       898 |     4 299 |
|  % of net sales     |      4.6 |      4.8 |      2.4 |       3.2 |       3.8 |
| Flexibles           |    2 220 |      420 |      496 |       275 |     3 412 |
|  % of net sales     |     13.6 |      2.5 |      3.0 |       1.6 |       5.1 |
| Non-allocated items |      -74 |     -161 |     -202 |        21 |      -415 |
| Operating profit    |    3 551 |    1 578 |      972 |     1 195 |     7 295 |
| before              |          |          |          |           |           |
| non-recurring costs |          |          |          |           |           |
|                     |          |          |          |           |           |
|  % of net sales     |      7.6 |      3.6 |      2.2 |       2.7 |       4.1 |
| Non-recurring costs |          |          |          |      -589 |      -589 |
| Operating profit,   |    3 551 |    1 578 |      972 |       606 |     6 706 |
| total               |          |          |          |           |           |
|  % of net sales     |      7.6 |      3.6 |      2.2 |       1.4 |       3.7 |
| NET FINANCIAL       |   -1 539 |   -1 589 |   -1 529 |    -1 045 |    -5 701 |
| EXPENSES            |          |          |          |           |           |
| PROFIT BEFORE       |    2 012 |      -11 |     -557 |      -439 |     1 005 |
| INCOME TAXES        |          |          |          |           |           |

TAXES FOR THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW                                                 

Income taxes are calculated based on the final tax outcome and income tax rate  
by country.                                                                     

INFORMATION ON RELATED PARTIES                                                  

Suominen has related party relationships with the members of the Board of       
Directors, and the members of the Corporate Executive Team. The company has no  
investments in associated companies. Salaries paid to the related parties       
amounted to EUR 835 thousand, share-based payments EUR 68 thousand, unsecured   
loans EUR 880 thousand, and interest payments EUR 127 thousand.                 

MOVEMENTS IN BORROWINGS                                                         
| EUR 1 000                                           | 1-12/2009 |  1-12/2008 |
| Total borrowings on 1 January                       |    86 403 |     99 119 |
|                                                     |           |            |
| Current loans from financial institutions on 1      |           |      3 000 |
| January                                             |           |            |
| Change in current loans from financial institutions |           |     -3 000 |
| Current loans from financial institutions on 31     |         0 |          0 |
| December                                            |           |            |
|                                                     |           |            |
| Commercial papers on 1 January                      |           |     15 336 |
| Change in commercial papers                         |           |    -15 336 |
| Commercial papers on 31 December                    |         0 |          0 |
|                                                     |           |            |
| Non-current loans on 1 January                      |    76 403 |     78 783 |
| Change in non-current loans                         |   -23 542 |     -2 380 |
| Non-current loans on 31 December                    |    52 861 |     76 403 |
|                                                     |           |            |
| Capital loans on 1 January                          |    10 000 |      2 000 |
| Change in capital loans                             |    -2 000 |      8 000 |
| Capital loans on 31 December                        |     8 000 |     10 000 |
|                                                     |           |            |
| Total borrowings on 31 December                     |    60 861 |     86 403 |

CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS                                                         
| EUR 1 000              | 1-12/2009 |             |   1-12/2008 |             |
|                        |  Tangible |  Intangible |    Tangible |  Intangible |
| Book value at the      |    62 661 |         855 |      74 083 |         942 |
| beginning of the       |           |             |             |             |
| period                 |           |             |             |             |
| Investments            |     4 311 |         143 |       3 701 |         137 |
| Decreases              |      -161 |             |      -2 305 |             |
| Depreciation and       |    -9 955 |        -203 |     -12 666 |        -219 |
| impairment             |           |             |             |             |
| Translation            |       188 |             |        -152 |          -5 |
| differences and other  |           |             |             |             |
| changes                |           |             |             |             |
| Book value at the end  |    57 044 |         795 |      62 661 |         855 |
| of the period          |           |             |             |             |

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          

| EUR 1 000                                    |       12/2009 |       12/2008 |
| FOR OWN DEBT                                 |               |               |
| Real estate mortgages                        |        24 045 |        24 045 |
| Corporate mortgages                          |        50 000 |        50 000 |
| OTHER OWN COMMITMENTS                        |               |               |
| Operating leases, real estates               |         9 878 |        12 389 |
| Operating leases, machinery and equipment    |         8 494 |        10 215 |
| GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS                        |         1 752 |         1 468 |


| EUR 1 000                               |         12/2009 |          12/2008 |
| CURRENCY DERIVATIVES                    |                 |                  |
| Nominal value                           |           5 637 |            6 548 |
| Fair value                              |             -27 |              121 |
| INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES               |                 |                  |
| Nominal value                           |          25 833 |           58 700 |
| Fair value                              |            -448 |             -297 |
| ELECTRICITY DERIVATIVES                 |                 |                  |
| Nominal value                           |           1 292 |            2 973 |
| Fair value                              |            -120 |             -394 |
| COMMODITY DERIVATIVES                   |                 |                  |
| Nominal value                           |             435 |                  |
| Fair value                              |              48 |                  |

Helsinki, 11 February 2010                                                      

SUOMINEN CORPORATION                                                            

Board of Directors                                                              

For addition information please contact:                                        
Mr. Petri Rolig, President and CEO, tel. +358 (0)10 214 300                     
Mr. Arto Kiiskinen, Vice President and CFO, tel. +358 (0)10 214 300

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